Oregon Health Authority funds and collaborates to implement programs providing harm reduction centered peer-delivered services
Any Positive Change
Certified peer specialists engage people who are at risk of or receiving treatment for overdose, infection, or other health issues related to substance use.
Nurture Oregon
Integrated services for pregnant people with drug use; includes peer support, maternity care, substance use treatment, and social service coordination.
Oregon HOPE
OHSU-led study of a rural peer model to engage people who use drugs with hepatitis C/HIV testing, harm reduction tools, and linkage to treatment; included development of a peer-assisted telemedicine hepatitis C model
Statewide expansion of the Oregon HOPE peer-assisted telemedicine for hepatitis C and syphilis model
Project to implement a package of interventions using a harm reduction framework to improve access to care for people who use drugs in Umatilla County
OHSU-led study that tests providing incentives to people who use stimulants for engaging in peer services and achieving self-identified goals